Meet the pastors

Steve and Nancy Aleksuk | Senior Pastors
Pastors Steve and Nancy Aleksuk have overseen the ministries of 3 Degrees, formerly known as The New Union, since 1992. They met as volunteers when the ministry first opened and were married in 1990. Since then they have become the lead pastors of 3 Degrees Church. Prior to entering the ministry, Steve was a successful Printed Circuit Board Designer and Nancy was a Finance Manager for a local car dealership. Pastor Nancy currently works full time as a Commercial Interior Designer and oversees Tenant Relations and Leasing for a commercial real estate developer in Minneapolis. They are both passionate about prayer and each lead a separate weekly prayer group. Pastor Steve leads a monthly men’s group and Bible current events group, while Pastor Nancy leads a monthly women’s group and oversees the outreach ministries. They love teaching the Word of God and inspiring people to live sold out in their faith. If they could sum up their heart for the congregation, it would be found in Col. 1:9 which reads, “…that you would be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.